New Mexico Urban Homesteader

Hello, I am A 50 Something, Prepper ;-}; former 60's Flower Child, don't believe in taxpayer subsidized special interest groups (political parties), DO believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights (1st 10). Long time Independent & Informed Voter. Lover of the outdoors and firm believer that History Teaches - if only we will listen!

(No longer Urban or in NM. Now Rural in the mountains of Maine.)

This blog was started at the request of some dear friends that wish to become Preppers.

“No man who is not willing to help himself has any right to apply to his friends, or to the gods.”

Demosthenes (384–322 BC, Greek statesman and orator of ancient Athens)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Intro - How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke

“Anyone who is naive enough to think that bad things cannot happen here or to them, not only has their head in the sand; their butts are sticking up in the air waiting to be run over by a freight train”

My Grandmother

(It sounds really cool in Italian)

One of the hardest things to do in order to become prepared is to actually create and write down a formal preparedness plan that works for you. It takes time, money, effort and thought; which is way too inconvenient for most of us today. Yet it is the one thing that will boost your survivability quotient (your odds of surviving any crisis) and do so with the least amount of trials and tribulations.

We all know it takes precise planning to move to another location or move say a data center. A good 80% of the work involved is the planning – before the move. Preparedness planning is no different.

“Preparedness is not just about stockpiling, it's about having an actual plan.” Dr. Michael J. Ryan,
Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) global alert and response team

Through trial, error and personal experience over the years, I have developed a way to do this that appears to be working quite well for people of all walks of life and various levels of preparedness. This method is “needs” based rather than “crisis” based and will ultimately end up being in outline format.

It is also geared to take control of all those hits (big and small) to your survivability quotient that are within our realm of control. The end result is that this method minimizes many of the hits we take that are not in our realm of control; while at the same time reduces the chances of forgetting something.

Outline format also lends itself to re-arranging priorities; should one say move to Florida where you now need to consider hurricanes and floods or moving away from L.A. and its earthquakes. It is far more adaptable to these priority shifts without rewriting the entire plan.

As a side note: When I moved out of an area that allows me to remove an item from my Crisis I created an “Aside” section to my plan and put that particular crisis in that section. That way if I ever move back into or travel such an area again, I am all set.

So over the next few weeks I will attempt to walk you through each step to formulating your plan.

Sunday we will cover the Prerequisites

Pep On ;-}


Next Prerequisites - How to Make a Preparedness Plan that Works & Not Go Broke

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